Preparing to be a delegate

a. Researching your country
Once you have been allocated a country your first task will be to find out as much information about this country as you can. You will need to know the following:

Politics of the Country:

  • Are you a democracy or a dictatorship?
  • Who is your leader?
  • Are you an ex-colony?
  • Which world powers are you friendly with?
  • Natural Resources:
  • Do you have any?
  • Are you in a trade agreement with other countries?


  • What ethnic groups live in your country?
  • What religions are practised?


  • Are you wealthy or poor?
  • Are you in debt?
  • What are the reasons for this?
  • Are you in a group with other countries in your part of the world?

World Politics:

  • Are you noted for your views on any world issue?

The UN:

  • What is your record in the UN?

You should be able to look up information about your country in any good encyclopaedia, reference book, and, increasingly, the Internet. Go to the school library or sit at your computer and dig for information. Consult with experienced MUN people from your school who have attended other conferences or indeed SAIMUN! Another place to ask for information is the country’s embassy or consulate. Visit or write to them. Discuss your country with others. Do your parents have information that might be useful? The more sources you consult [formal and informal] the better informed you will be.

b. Writing a Resolution
When your delegation has some information about the country you represent the next task will be to research your specialised area. Each delegate chooses one and should be an expert in their field. For example, if your country is Cape Verde you may decide to be Cape Verde’s delegate in the Human Rights Committee. If so then you should be an expert on Human Rights. Look up the issues your committee will be discussing.

**Find out as much information about these issues as possible.**

To do this you will need to: watch the news, read the world news section of the papers, ask experts who may have information on these issues (e.g. Amnesty International, Greenpeace, political parties, teachers etc.) and discuss these issues with friends and parents.

Now that you have your information you can write your resolution!

A resolution is a statement of your ideas for the solution to a problem or how an issue should be tackled by the United Nations. But remember, you are a representative of your country and you must put forward the appropriate views.

A resolution must also be typed in the correct format. For example, here is a resolution which the Human Rights delegate for Cape Verde brought to a recent MUN.

A delegation which authentically represents its country’s views and which has delegates who show in-depth knowledge of their chosen area of specialisation is set to do well at SAIMUN.

If a resolution is passed it becomes the official policy of the committee. Now that you know your country well, are an expert in your field, and have written your resolution, you are set to attend the conference!!